Are you regripping the club on the downswing?  This unfortunately is very common among amateur players. How do you know if you are regripping?  If you are wearing out your golf glove in a short period of time you most likely are regripping in the downswing which definitely will have an impact on the consistency of your ball striking. 

Our exciting new grip technology allows you to ergonomically hold the grip throughout the entirety of your golf swing without adjusting your grip as you downswing! Our Technology is built for you feel more comfortable and natural when addressing the ball. This will allow you to perform better which in turn will lower your handicap.

How does it work?

The biggest benefit to The Golf Grip, because of its ergonomic design, is that when you take the club back the grip will not release from your hand.

Many players, when taking the club back, release the grip from their hand because of lack of strength and flexibility and they re-grip it on the downswing. 

How do you know if you are doing this?

If you are wearing a glove, the bottom right pad will wear out if you are a right handed player. If you are a left handed player, the bottom left pad will wear out.

If you don’t wear a glove take the club back to the top of your swing, have a friend see if they can shove a tee or two between the shaft and the pad of your hand.  If they can you are regripping on the way down.

If you are re-gripping your club, you will not get the consistency in your swing that you’re looking for.

Purchase the Grip
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  • Ergonomic Impact

    Ergonomically you are gripping the club with an open pack joint which is the optimal position to feel relaxed. An open pack joint will not have any pinch points in the wrist. When there are no pinch points you are starting from a relaxed position.

  • Comfortability

    When using the Golf Grip technology, the club feels more natural and comfortable in your hands, allowing you to perform better with every swing.

  • Reduced Injuries

    Using an ergonomic technology like the Golf Grip, your wrists and elbows receive less strain during long-term use. It reduces your chances of getting tennis elbow or a wrist injury.

  • Inclusivity

    It will help people who have physical injuries and only have the ability to play with one arm or have limited use of the second arm.

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